Monday, September 24, 2007

Here's Mud in Your Eye!

Falco has proven to be an accident-prone boy. Even a quiet morning walk can be an adventure. This morning Falco and I were strolling around town when he discovered one of his favorite treats on the lawn of St. Dennis Church -- cat poop! (Vigilant as we are, he never fails to root out -- and chow down on! -- some stinky, gooey cat poop. He can find it anywhere.)  I pulled back on his leash at precisely the time Falco grabbed the objectionable stuff, resulting in the poop being flung up in the air and directly into his left eye! I tried vainly to wipe it out but succeeded only in smearing it in even more deeply. I was afraid of Falco developing an eye infection, so we walked directly to the vet's office about three blocks away. Dr. Otero was a great sport, examining Falco immediately and cleaning and disinfecting the crap-filled eye. Luckily, Falco suffered no ill effects, but neither has his little mishap lessened his enthusiasm for his favorite treat.

St. Dennis Church, Galena, Maryland